
Friday 12 December 2014

The Truth about Preparing for Christmas

So hey

Right now life is really busy. I think that you probably feel the same. There is always some sort of work to do before Christmas, have to finish up this amount of coursework, have to do these exams and papers, there are always a party or five that you have to go too because what the heck, it's Christmas! You have all of this shopping to do and not to mention the endless horror of gift-wrapping (Can someone just wrap all of these presents for me please?) and you have to be creative and try to think of gifts that are perfect for everyone and that will not break your budget.  You bake cookies, you do a lot of cooking, there is usually a lot of sneaking and lying involved because you can't tell your sisters who your secret Santa is because they will just tell everyone else, and we talk about Santa ( is it just me or is the idea of an old man sneaking into your house to bring you 'gifts' just creepy?) and what we want for Christmas and oh it's Jesus's birthday but then we just bring presents back into it. Chaotic and sometimes it's kinda of stressful, but still I really really love Christmas, maybe part of it has to do with the child in me that goes YES PRESENTS! PRESENTS FOR ME! ME! PRESENTS! A part of it has to do with the Rat Pack and them singing lovely Christmas songs to me. A part of it has to do with the Christmas lights because they are so pretty. A part of it is the food because well lets be is one of the things that just make Christmas. A part of it has to do with family and spending time with them.

So how do you feel after reading that description?

If you feel excited and warm and fuzzy for Christmas then join the club, because I feel this a lot after reading descriptions like these.
If you feel disappointed or concerned that I only mentioned Jesus's birthday once, then well done, you had the exact right response.

If I am honest, reading these description without mentioning Jesus makes me excited for Christmas but Christmas is not just about family, giving, gifts, and food even though these are all good things, that is not what our focus should be. Our focus should be Jesus and I know this is the bit where everyone says "of course, duh", I do that too but sometimes I don't act like I believe that. I don't act like celebrating Jesus's birthday is important, sometimes it's more like dad-can-you-read-the-Nativity-story-quicker-so-I- can-open-up presents-now? Something that you can pray for me guys, to not get caught up in the busyness, stressfulness, prettiness ( I don't know if that's a word but go on with me on this) but to remember that we celebrate CHRISTmas because it's all about Jesus coming down in a lowly stable and dying for me so I can be a part of his family.

Remember that guys, we are all His favorites. 

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