
Wednesday 26 November 2014

Reasons why I should not be a blogger

1. Isn't blogging as a fad getting kind of old now and doesn't everyone know each other already in the blogger world? I would be like that awkward kid who pushes his way through a group of old friends and acts like he has known them forever when in reality he has only known them for a few minutes.

2. I'm putting my writing, myself, into a strange world of millions of bloggers and I would be just another blogger with another blog about life and stuff because come on, who wouldn't want to hear about my life? is that even a question?

3.  The only talents I can showcase on this blog is writing. Writing, that is it, I don't even have a camera to take pictures- I know, how can I blog without taking pictures? That is the whole of purpose of blogging nowadays isn't it?

4. and then a blog is usually about the person writing it, right? All day in and all day out it would be all about me, me, me, me. Even I would get sick of that.

So then, why on earth am I even writing this blog post if I don't want to blog.

One word: Holly

Basically my really awesome friend Holly has been bugging me about doing a blog for a couple of months now. She is now in Bible College and has now given me a reason a blog. It's so hard sometimes to find time to Skype and catch up on each other life so here's the deal Holly.

If you continue to blog so I can catch up on your life then I will blog so you can catch up on my life.

Okay there, I have done it.
